Yoga Brain

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Starting a business can be lonely. While I have endless support from my team, the nitty gritty tasks at Yoga Brain are my responsibility.

At first, I was lost doing this alone. Some days, I still am.

But, the solitude was easier after I heard an idea to hire an imaginary Board of Directors. Sky’s the limit—fill the positions with as many thought leaders as you want. Use free inspiration from those who are successful and motivate you.

Take Oprah for example. If you choose her to be on your Board, you’d follow her on social media, sign up for her emails, and read her books. And when you face a challenging situation like someone who wants to pay half price, just think, what would Oprah do and do that. Hint: she would say NO.

Here’s my list, in no particular order:

My Mom, Chairman of the Board.

She’s the only person I know IRL on this list. This woman has been my coach and mentor since day one and supports me as a working mother. Budgets, check. Strategic plans, check. Communication coaching, check. You get it—she’s superwoman.

Brene Brown, President of Vulnerable Leadership.

If you haven’t seen The Call to Courage, move it to the top of your list. It’s full of insight on courage and filled with gems like this:

“nothing has transformed my life more than realizing that it’s a waste of time to evaluate my worthiness by weighing the reaction of the people in the stands.”

Rupi Kaur, CEO of Creativity.

I read The Sun and Her Flowers in one day. Granted, it was spring break, but I couldn’t put it down. She inspires me to fall in love with the beauty of life.

Beyonce, Director of Power.

I’m not embarrassed to admit I’ve watched Homecoming more than fifteen times. Her energy is fire and exactly what I need.

Michelle Obama, Commander and Chief.

Becoming is a dream read. I didn’t want it to end. Learning about her balancing being a working mom and her relationship challenges with her husband were easily relatable. While I didn’t read it one day, I savored every moment.

In other words, these Board members are your “expanders.” They expand your idea on how to run your business, life, relationships—whatever!

When you feel like you’re under a lot pressure, just remind yourself of who’s on your Board. You can call on their support any time. You’ve got this.

Your turn! I’d love to know who’s on your Board in the comments below.