Yoga Brain

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Unless you’ve been on a summer vaca enjoying your life, you’ve probably seen the newest social media app, Threads.

Its Instagram/Meta/Facebook’s attempt to compete with Twitter, the dumpster fire company Elon Musk purchased for $44 million BILLION dollars last year.

It’s a simple, short-form text platform where you can share your thoughts, and it looks kinda interesting.

Part of me likes being a marketing coach who isn’t on TikTok (or Twitter) but enjoys the social experiment of watching the masses join every new platform and abandon it months later. Branding and marketing existed before social media. You don’t have to burn out consuming and creating content all day to run a successful company.

And you won’t find me on it, at least not yet.

Here’s why.

My quest is to connect with people IRL, snuggle my newest kitten, Mochi, and watch the birds in my backyard. More screen time doesn’t interest me, but living a slower, more intentional life does.

So, if you groaned after learning about Threads, you aren’t alone.

In digital detox solidarity,
